In between our cracks and brokenness, we are golden magmas carved into the spaces of the
universe, a perfect case of kintsukuroi – ultimately seeking love and time to live as much.
Our past making up who we are and what we hide from strangers; the scars bearing our
victories, the memories of the lives & souls we connected or collided with.
Most times we fall in love and sometimes, we find it – right at the corner where we have
always had it all along.
Love is…
Life’s starter pack, a spider web neatly woven that interconnects everything we do with
everyone else. A subconscious decision to accept the light and darkness bound in the souls
we connect with; for if we will to love, we will.
Love is…
Happiness mixed with hot chocolates and cakes. To love and to be loved, for the moments
that words can’t fully describe. It’s in finding peace and stillness; in our emotions finding a
Love is…
Like poetry – For every moment our pens spill, a piece of us is revealed in between the lines.
In all felicity; it leaves us to share open and it’s the only thing that can heal a broken heart.
Love is…
Like a Lego game – building on itself and growing with all the broken pieces and different
shapes. Logic’s its foe and placing expectations before assembling, get you missing the
important parts.
Love is…
Finding a safe haven in God (Allah); and ultimately believing in the existence of angels who
live among us.
Love is…
In the sunset and sunrise, in a two pairs of eyes and a pumping heart, in starless nights and
morning dews, in the rains andlightening. It’s a miracle, a light, something divine and
Sometimes the ones who promised to read us like a book, always leave us hanging on the
But broken wings don’t mean loss of ability to fly and cupid arrows still miss the best of us.
How imperfect and sometimes clueless we can be with this thing called Love. How unsettling
it is to leave ourselves vulnerable.
But wouldn’t it be a rather sad thing not to try over and over again, to find a home for this
divinity we carry within?
Written by : Michael Afenfia
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I can’t find a better poetic description of love than this. With such a flow, I’d become an Oliver Twist. Thanks for the piece Nneoma
This is nothing but total description of love at its peak. Nice one dearie.
Sometimes when asked what love really is most of us come up with nothing not because we don’t have the words to describe it but because we have no real definition to it. But this, you said it all. I don’t think there’s a perfect definition to what love it. Kudos!!!
wow….great piece Nneoma.
This is good!
Really good
Beautiful piece. No better way to describe this than the word “excellent”. I’m super proud of you dear
Great piece…. Kudos Jane
My heart!!! Well done girl🙌
This is beautiful.
Wow nice
This is amazing!!!!
What love is can’t go further than this poem. Nice one
Thanks a lot for this.
Needed to hear this.
Awwwww! I am in love.
I went through all the other poems but this right here is epic.
I love this. This is the best
I vote Jane’s Love in Paragraphs
This is amazing!
This is classic. One for all
Depth as the drips of an ocean. You just dug in me the true sense of what love is. I vote you.
You deserve the both crowns, my dear. Even though I don’t know you. Your IG says you deserve both.
Win these 50k, lady.
You deserve the two sums.
I am in awe of what you can do with words.
I vote you any day for this.
This is everything
I love your use of words. Nice one
I love this. It’s depth & description. Wow
You know you deserve this, right?
I vote you
Nice one, girls. Keep it coming
Good stuff, Good read.
If wishes were horses, I wish you that 50k. To think you are the only one who made it to the top 1p, both category.
Drum rolls!!! I vote you.
You are damn fine.
This is excellent.
This is absolutely love in paragraphs.
I vote Jane for the epic unveiling.
I vote Jane for this amazing poetry.
This poetry has more metaphors of love than love itself.
This cuts me deep. I vote you
It would definitely be a sad thing not to find a home for this divinity we carry within. Love this much!
I vote for you
This is indeed love in paragraphs. I love this the most. I vote you
Splendid writing!
This was made my day.
Amazing… you are so good with words.
Good Stuff. Nice one
This is the best poetry of love I have ever read.
Best Work on Love Description. Very deep and precise.
I vote this as the best and it is truly the best.
Best work of art on love ever!!!
This is inspirational and very on point.
I love this! I love this!!!!!!
I Vote This!
I am humbled by this description of Love.
Finally, I have seen the best love poetry!
Wow!!!! I am speechless.
I love this!!