On December 12 2017, the call for entries into the inaugural edition of the JB Afenfia Flash Fiction Contest was announced across all my social media accounts – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+.

From that moment, emails with stories poured into the designated address – and climaxed on the final day, December 27th 2017. It was as though most participants had been waiting for the last day.

In all, a total of 125 entries were received. For me and the two other judges, it was fun going through the stories. The quality was impressive. Amazing how stories could flow, starting with “It happened last night.” Perhaps because of the recommended opening, most of the themes were negative. Maybe next time we should try, “It happened this morning”.

The entry of a young Abia-based doctor, Jason Osisiogu, was unanimously adjudged as the best.

“Still in a dreamlike state! Honestly, I did not even set out to win,” said Jason, who had stumbled on the competition while searching for useful micro fiction tips. “Just wrote for the challenge and fun. I’m most honoured.”

Jason’s story, “Confessions”, is about how a confession to a priest festers into an affair with murderous tendencies. Beautifully told, but Jason was not alone. Nine other entries made Top 10.

  1. Confessions by Jason Osisiogu
  2. Libyan Glass by Dike Dyke Williams
  3. Stolen by Zinny Ogbonna
  4. Daughters of Eve by Ololade Ajekigbe
  5. It Happened Last Night by Adejoke Folayan
  6. It Happened Last Night by Ugbana-Awaji Finomo
  7. The Awakening by Hajaarh Muhammad Bashar
  8. Halelujah! by Chizoma Emeka Joshua
  9. It Happened Last Night by Chijindu Terrence James-Ibe
  10. The Beginning of the End by Adebimpe Olubola Oso


Jason has subsequently received his prize money of N25,000 while the process has been initiated for him and others who made top 5 to receive their autographed copies of Don’t Die on Wednesday. Jason will also receive a Paxoid shirt.


Written by : Michael Afenfia

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